New Revised 2nd Edition is out now!

1. Why don’t People Make a Will?

1. Why don’t People Make a Will?

OK, some do. But it seems that about three out of five adults in the UK don’t have a Will. Failure to make any preparations for the aftermath of the one thing that’s certain in life (even taxes can be mitigated, if not avoided altogether) does seem a bit crazy. I was...
2. Your Will – The Executor(s): Choosing Wisely

2. Your Will – The Executor(s): Choosing Wisely

I don’t know how often it happens that someone is surprised following a friend’s death to discover that he/she has been named as one or more executors of a Will? It goes without saying that that should never occur. One should always ask the chosen executor whether...
3. Your Will – The Essentials

3. Your Will – The Essentials

The vital things are clarity and certainty. The Will should be witnessed by two (disinterested) individuals both present with you, so they sign after you sign. Last week’s Post No. 4 discussed the all-important appointment of Executors. Stating your full name and...
4. Lasting Powers of Attorney – and Medical Wishes

4. Lasting Powers of Attorney – and Medical Wishes

Mental incapacity, specifically dementia, is a sad fact of life for many people. Wherever you find yourself on the spectrum of life, I strongly recommend making a ‘Lasting Power of Attorney’ (LPA), which comes in two parts: • Property and Financial Affairs; and •...
5. Arrangements for Children, Dependents and Pets

5. Arrangements for Children, Dependents and Pets

If you have sole (or joint) care for minor children when you (or both, or the survivor, of you) die, then you should have given advance consideration both as to who will take over that care, as seamlessly as possible, and as to what financial provision you might make....
6. Digital Assets

6. Digital Assets

These can present quite a challenge on death, as including: ✔️ Computer; ✔️ tablet/iPad; ✔️ mobile telephone; ✔️ social media; and ✔️ Dropbox and other facilities. The key thing of course is what happens with what is likely to be a variety of passwords. These would...