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9. Funeral Arrangements

9. Funeral Arrangements

In my experience as an ordained minister in the Church of England, so much pressure is taken off the grieving family if they are able to arrange the ceremony exactly as their loved one would have wanted it. A Letter of Wishes left with your Will can be updated from...
10. People to Contact

10. People to Contact

It’s probably (almost certainly) over simplistic to say that the world divides into two types of people: the organised and the disorganised. And you may be among the former when it comes to keeping contact details, not only of family and friends but also of...
11. Inheritance Tax (IHT) Planning

11. Inheritance Tax (IHT) Planning

The first thing to say is that this is very much a specialist subject, so do get proper professional advice before you do anything. Second, I always used to say to clients (and now remind my wife and myself) that you should not give away too much to your children (or...